tehbong - 12 years ago

i beat the game thrice, got max powers and all achievments except legendary kage in around 15 minutes. fun game awesome peace sign when you win and good graphics.

sparkyboy6 - 12 years ago

Simple but fun game.

retroarena - 12 years ago

concept is good, but not enough developped. not really a chalenge

musicalnote - 12 years ago

very fun to me

fuzzyninja - 12 years ago

Fun but it's too easy =P

nani1801 - 12 years ago

i like it :)

painstaker - 12 years ago

better than most games but not great

jbullfrog - 12 years ago


baddboyy89 - 12 years ago

Awesome game worsth playing.!!!!

ricelol - 12 years ago

i got every award except the last 1 its to hard i congragulate who ever got it